Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret!!!

So you want to lose weight, and you want to do it fast, and you don't want to break your head doing it. 

The idea of how to keep weight off easily goes even further than just Boosting Your Goal with booster foods and nutrition. There are two ways to go about it. Each way is very powerful in and of itself. Combined, it goes above and beyond. KABOOM! You need to do it yourself though.

Shhhh. Here's the secret. The Blood Type Diet and Food Combining.

Either regime or diet if you will, (though I hate the word diet) has advantages and disadvantages in terms of patience and choices. They both take getting used to and demand consistency. Both have ways or things that you should or should not eat, but once you got it, you got it and it's smooth sailing. 

It's way not as complicated as it sounds but both systems will require some trying and research on your part. YOU are the laboratory. And it's way much simpler than having to count calories. Who wants to do that, eh? Carry around a calorie counter, and count points? Feh!!! 

Isn't it much more easy and convenient to eat your fill, of course to a healthy point, not over stuffing yourself. You still need room in there to digest. Do NOT overtax the liver.

The premise of either system has to do with the link between digestion, enzymes, and hormones. I am simplifying it here for you and giving you the basis for further reading, research, and to try on yourself.

In the Blood Type Diet based on Dr. Ddamo's teachings each person eats the “ideal foods consistent with their blood type” and with the way their particular blood type digests foods and reacts to them internally. The different blood types are also based on historical archetypes and the types of foods they have eaten throughout history in different locations. Flesh eaters, versus fruit and vegetable eaters, versus grain eaters, versus legume eaters, versus dairy eaters, versus everything eaters etc.

There are Positive, Neutral, and Negative foods. You want to eat Positives and Neutrals. Positive foods for example will build and boost your immune system, or help you fight off certain diseases. They have overall or specific positive impact on your body and its systems. 

Neutral foods will not necessarily have this boosting or building effect, but they don't have a negative effect either, so they're okay to eat. 

The negatives you want to stay away from as much as possible, as they may cause you to build up mucous, or may weaken you in certain ways, or bring about different ailments if you eat them consistently.

There's some controversy out there regarding this system and its biochemical basis and theories, but it's worked for me and many many many others. A buddy of mine actually turned me on to this some years back. He used to be vegetarian with his wife and kids, started eating according to his blood type which is actually more meat oriented, and he just shed the pounds like that. No more vegetarian. So sorry...

In food combining, foods are eaten in a way that gives the body the proper time and the correct internal environment to separately digest and assimilate foods in an ideal fashion.

As far as food combining goes, I have read and seen many approaches both in books, charts, and on the web. The first I read about it was from Dr. Norman Walker of blessed memory. who was also known as “The Carrot Juice Man”. 

He wrote a book (among many books) called, Pure and Simple Natural Weight Control. It was by following the regime and way of life laid down in this book, that I noticed both quick and long lasting results that kept me thin, healthy, and happy. Also suggested to me by different friends who like myself are very into juicing and staying healthy.

The basic premise is that you don't mix complex carbohydrates such as breads, grains, and cereals, as well as high glycemic fruits with proteins at the same meal, and “at least” within a 2 hour period. There goes tuna or peanut butter sandwiches! Nu nu. What can I tell you? 

Proteins / fats and vegetables, fine. Complex Carbs and vegetables, fine. Carbs and high glycemic fruits, fine.

This is the basis, and you will see many variations out there. Choose what works best for you. With this system, your body has time to digest in proper order and with minimum exertion and much ease. You will feel less bloated and your hormones will not get messed up. Your system will also, well, uh, be moving very well...

So what do you think? What happens when you combine both systems? Eating the proper foods based on your blood type, while combining them in the proper time and order at appropriate meals. I leave it up to you to find out. Start doing it now, and in no time it will become second nature as you know how and what to eat when.

Otherwise, have fun counting calories on The Weight Watcher's System and become a life time member. I have 2 sisters that are! Tried and true, and it also works of course. IF you have patience for that sort of thing... I don't...

Wake up and start living!!!

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