Sunday, July 28, 2013

King Solomon's Seal

Also known as Polygonatum or Polygonum, the King Solomon's Seal plant is related to the lily-of-the-valley, and it certainly looks like a larger version of this, but it can have either white or creamy-yellow flowers.

Polygonatum was first used in the treatment of diabetes in 1930 by Hedwig Langecker. It is effective in fighting nutritional hyperglycemia, though not that caused by adrenaline release, since it contains its glucokinin.

The main elements of Solomon’s Seal tea are vitamins, saponins (similar to diosgenin), and flavonoids. A solution is used in alternative medicine as an astringent, demulcent, and tonic.

The dried roots are a great laxative and restorative, and is does wonders when it comes to inflammations of the stomach, indigestion, profuse menstruation, piles, general debility, bowel issues, and chronic dysentery. 

One variation of Polygonum is used in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac. It is also used to treat pain, fever, inflammation, allergy, and weakness.

An herbal remedy used in Chinese medicine is a mix of Polygonatum species. It is supposed to strengthen various organs and enhance the chi.

A solution of Solomon’s Seal can be used in case of internal bleeding, indigestion and other stomach and digestive system complaints. 

Solomon's Seal's thus has wide healing potential. Among other things:

  • It can help rebuild damaged cartilage and connective tissue.
  • Reduces inflammation and speeds up healing of wounds, bruises, and skin irritation.
  • Shortens recovery time from bone injuries and associated connective tissue, such as from broken or stressed bones,  and arthritis including osteoarthritis.
  • Helps produce synovial fluid to reduce grinding in joints.
  • As needed, tightens or loosens tendons, ligaments, joints and attachments associated with repetitive joint stress, injury,  and inflammation
  • Soothes gastrointestinal tract inflammation and injuries.
  • Loosens mucous in the lungs.
  • Regulates the blood pressure.
  • Treats and relieves women's issues.
  • It is also a good remedy when it comes to kidney problems, heart conditions and sexual problems.
A decoction is also an excellent face rinse, natural makeup remover, or organic face treatment.

You can also apply Solomon’s Seal roots on open cuts or eczema.

Oil infused with Solomon’s Seal can be kept in the medical cabinet, and is great for broken bones or strains, torn ligaments, and joint problems. 

Solomon’s Seal is useful for many things and  has proven its medical and culinary uses.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Alternative Medicine: Mind Body Practices, the Basics

Here are some more important basics of Complementary Alternative Medicine which people want to know about.

The fascinating area of mind body medicine involves the interrelationship of the body, brain, mind, and attitude, with the idea of using mind or intention to bring about proper body function and to promote a healthy mind and body. Different Alternative Complementary Medicine practices use this concept in various ways.

Meditation or imagery techniques for example include different postures, focused attention, or an open flowing mind toward distractions. Meditation can be used to calm down and relax, improve emotional balance, cope with sickness, or enhance overall health and well being.

Yoga is used for health purposes and has different styles like in martial arts. They usually combine postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is used as part of a general health regimen, and also for a variety of health conditions.

Mind body practices also include guided imagery, hypnotherapy, deep-breathing exercises, progressive relaxation, Chi Gong, and Tai Chi.

The concept that the mind is important in the treatment of illness is integral to the healing approaches of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine, dating back more than 2,000 years. Hippocrates who is regarded as one of the fathers of modern medicine, also noted the moral and spiritual aspects of healing and believed that treatment could occur only with consideration of attitude, environmental influences, and natural remedies.

I have been doing martial arts since about age fourteen on and off, and even have a black belt in a system of Karate while working on another. I continue today to do both internal and external martial arts whenever I can, and attend classes about 2-3 times per week. I started with Tai Chi and Qigong about 15 years ago, and have never left it since. They are wonderful for maintaining health and well being and particularly useful for the posture and structure of the body. In my work with patients, I usually give them a number of exercises to do, based on Tai Chi and Qigong, which are designed to realign them properly and thus help them with pain relief.

I also began using Guided Imagery, Creative Visualization, and focused meditation about 15 years ago in order to relax, better my life, and to attract abundance and happiness, as well as to help manifest my desires, wants, and wishes. They have proven to be amazing tools, and are most helpful when I don't take them too seriously, and I am just able to let go. When letting go as much as possible, the results are most quick and profound, and usually not at all what I expected. Manifesting actual things in our reality can often take time, as our thoughts are very subtle and operate on the energy level as opposed to our gross physical reality. For health concerns however, they can and should be used at every opportunity, and are very accessible and useful.

A couple of years back, I unfortunately broke and cut the distal phalanx of my right middle finger and was admitted to the emergency ward for stitches. They stuck a hypodermic needle into the base of my middle finger, and then further along the nerve root into the finger along the bone. Though this was an “extremely” painful experience, I applied focused Qigong breathing and was there flowing “with” the pain, very present and in my reality. This made the experience bearable, though the nurse was alarmed and thought I was beginning to hyperventilate, and I had to explain myself and calm him down. I was inspired to do this because of a recent meeting with an old Head Counsellor of mine, who is the founder and director of Kids Kicking Cancer, an international organization that teaches kids and even adults undergoing cancer treatment how to use these techniques in order to deal with intense pain and to overcome it.

I recently developed through my practice, a workshop that I call Six Element Emotional Release. This combines, Qigong / Tai Chi, Guided Imagery, color, focused breathing, meditation, and EMDR with the main purpose of healing and rebalancing the emotions. I have used and taught many of these exercises and techniques for years, and only in the past couple of years came to realize that I actually had a complete system in hand that could be put to good use.

I have also used EFT for the past six years, and it has served as a most useful tool in emotional healing as well. I recommend the techniques often to clients, especially when there are emotional issues at hand blocking the complete healing process, and I either send them to practitioners, or tell them where they can obtain the information and manual online . It can be used for many things, like in order to control itching due to chronic eczema / ringworm / fungus, for instance. I was also treated by at least a couple of different practitioners in the past with an offshoot of EFT called Quantum Techniques. It's also out there and online for you to look at and do.

One significant turning point in my life is when I actually took the ten week course in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in Toronto due to the recommendation from my Acupuncturist. Different techniques including, yoga, breathing, meditation, and guided imagery were taught and given over, and I continue to use and teach what I learned there. Some of my clients and friends have taken the course as well, and I have one good friend and colleague who is a trained facilitator.

Yoga is technically the first holistic discipline that I encountered at about age eight or nine. I had a private Yoga teacher at least once a week to teach us three siblings and my dad. We studied, breathing, stretching and postures, and it was helpful to us all. I mostly remember learning the lotus position which I do not think I have ever successfully gotten into, as well as alternate nostril breathing, and of course the headstand which I still occasionally do.

Last year I sent someone an online video of how to do the fish pose which is very relieving for sinus issues and infection. It works. So, as a result, my martial arts and Tai Chi Qigong classes usually contain certain Yoga or similar movements or postures either in the warm ups or cool downs and stretching. When I am leading the class I incorporate them to be sure as long static stretching is very healthy for the muscles in the long term.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Alternative Medicine: Natural Products Basics

Alternative medicine may be known sometimes as CAM or Complementary Alternative Medicine, usually when it is discussed or taken into account alongside or with mainstream Conventional Medicine. What exactly is it? What are the basics of it and how can we simplify it? As I mentioned, there are different categories and approaches within Alternative Medicine itself.

Either way, it's still called alternative which has me confused sometimes. Didn't Aspirin for instance originally come from a plant? And isn't Valium for instance originally from the Valerian plant, which is used to relax and to sometimes even get rid of headaches?
These are the kinds of things that make you go, hmmmmmm.......

You see, there exist today, and have existed since ancient times, effective, natural alternatives to many drugs. This may constitute the using of a vast selection of herbs, botanicals, minerals, vitamins, and so called natural products. Of these a lot are available all over as vitamins or so called supplements. Some use dietary supplements like multivitamins to meet the daily needs of nutrition, take calcium to improve bone health...

This may not even be thought of as Alternative Medicine anymore, as they are now part of and even promoted as inherent to our daily living. (In this sense they may even have a more conventional use, in the sense of, “take a pill and you’ll be fine.”, and may even be manufactured and marketed by mainstream drug companies.)

Alternative Medicine natural products may also refer to probiotics or live microorganisms like different types of good / pro bacteria that are the same as those in the body's digestive system and intestines and have positive effects for the body and its health. Probiotics are also found in foods like yogurt or kefir besides for being taken as supplements in capsular form.

There are also many different herbs or botanic products used as medicines. These stem from some of the first attempts to improve the human condition since ancient times. Many different traditions and cultures have their specific folk medicine and “grandma remedy" traditions.
Practices of traditional healers can also be considered a form of Alternative Medicine. Traditional healers use methods based on indigenous theories, beliefs, and experiences handed down from generation to generation. A familiar example in the United States is the Native American healer / medicine man.

Dietary and Nutritional healing approaches may also be considered here of course. Many well known and even popular diets or lifestyle / naturalistic approaches, may be used by individuals to promote the healing and well being of a person. Different healing foods and their uses, specific diets, cutting out allergic foods, and even fasting may be used in a therapeutic sense, and are well known both in our modern age, as well as from ancient times from specific peoples and cultures.

It all depends on what specific health issue you are working on or wish to solve at any given time. There's lots to choose from. So foods, supplements, herbs, or natural products are just one very powerful form of natural or alternative medicine that are part of your massive arsenal for self help and healing.