Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Diet Rant

As I may have mentioned in the past, I personally believe that when it comes to diet and nutrition, it depends on an individual's present place in life and what it is they are trying to achieve. 

Certainly this meshes with texts, where a number of different diets are mentioned that have specific purposes and goals, and with the potpourri of diets in the world today.

I have done and tried many diets myself. One reason is that I usually refuse to recommend anything health wise, especially a diet to any friends or clients, unless I have tried it myself.
I have done in no particular order, the Scarsdale Diet ( I was age 15-16), a non-dairy diet where I had no dairy at all for years, a non red meat diet and only had poultry during Sabbath and Holidays and fish whenever (semi carnivore Pescatarian diet?), the Blood Type (B) diet (one of my favorites), the Food Combining diet first according to Dr. Norman Walker and then from other sources, have never done Weight Watchers but have 2 beautiful siblings that swear by it so it MUST work, the Electro-Chemical Diet recommended in The Healing Benefits of Acupressure by Houston (somewhat similar to the Alkaline Diet in our text), a Chinese Medicine type diet where I ate specific foods to strengthen and balance specific organs and systems, the Candida Diet (similar to the Liver Diet in the text), the 3 day gall bladder diet / cleanse, juice diet for 7 – 10 days (you can't call it a fast if you are drinking juices), and last year was following Tim Ferriss's 4 Hour Body or Slow Carbohydrate Diet.

Presently I am "somewhat" macrobiotic and deviate here and there based on my intuition, and if I've had a bad period and decide to cheat with some comfort food.

There are others diets and lifestyles as well that do not come to mind presently, but the point here is nonetheless made.
I can surely say that whatever my purpose was for each diet at that specific time, I definitely accomplished what I needed to more or less, and then moved on to whatever my next particular goal was in terms of eating habits.

They ALL work for the most part. Why should they not? Maimonides mentioned many years ago that essentially a person's health is directly related to his diet and that most diseases come from corrupt eating habits. It's directly linked 
regarding eating living things? Maybe I am lactose intolerant or have severe bloating when eating certain foods or combining certain ones? 

Do I have high cholesterol level in my blood and am dealing with heart or blood pressure issues? Maybe I am allergic to certain foods like fish, nuts, or eggs? Maybe I have Celiac disease (way too harsh of a word for that particular issue) and am intolerant of gluten? Do I have a hormonal imbalance and a possible thyroid problem? Diabetes and high blood sugar? Hypoglycemia?

All of the above will dictate a person's diet and how they eat. The  main thing is to follow a specific regime and order of eating whatever the case and to do it habitually so that it becomes second nature. 

Whether it is preventative so as not to bring about certain ailments, or to get rid of certain ailments or difficulties, or for good general health and well being. Eating in the dictated specific way whatever it is, will work and will bring about the desired results for most people if they follow it diligently and go by the book.

People change over time and issues change over time. Whether it is something in my biological makeup affecting my body based on time, experience, and habits, or philosophical or spiritual beliefs  and opinions that are influencing me in other ways. There's no better or worse. 

Just like finding out recently that eggs aren't really as bad for serum cholesterol as was thought and that the yolk is actually good for your heart, yesterday's diet may not quite fit the bill anymore, and you will have to be flexible and move on to a diet that is more appropriate for you at that specific time and place.

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